File this under "life"...

and I do other things besides doctoring, click on the link below (or copy and paste into your web browser)...


  1. Sing it, Jim. Takes off a load.

  2. Jim,
    Your blog is too quiet.
    Is the Higgs boson God? Creator of mass?

  3. Beth, you're right. I've been too silent recently, but I'm trying to use my limited writing time to work on a book about Dementia. I have been doodling with articles about gay marriage, healing prayer and the soul's immortality (or lack thereof). Maybe I should write about the 'God particle' as well. I've never thought that science and God are mutually exclusive, so writing about the Higgs boson is a chance to make my case...

  4. I'm not much of a blogger. Have tried numerous times to leave a message then I can't read the "prove you are not a robot" word so can't post a comment. Do you e-mail? Would love to read your book on dementia. I'm writing a memoir and observations on Alzhemers from caring for my husband at home. I know all these patients are different but one good thing is that dementia is not painful. With calm, comforting, loving care most of these patients can feel secure and content. I am not seeing any suffering and can think of many more worse conditions to have. However, most people can not handle the care at home in advanced stages. The problem then is real and large = finding consistant quality care by gentle and compassionate caregivers. Nursing homes - even the "best" - do not consistantly provide the necessary care and the patients suffer in one way or another. Understaffing, lack of supervision, rough handeling, all come to play. Something needs to be done about this.

    1. Hey Beth - sorry I didn't reply sooner. I can send you the first three chapters of my book by e-mail, just let me know what your e-mail address is.
      Yes, I find that taking care of people wiht Allzheimer's at home is not complicated, it just wears you down physically, specifically, the lack of sleep. One thing that alot of us in the geriatrics community are involved in is trying to find a way to support families in caring for those with dementia, but it's the night time wandering that is the biggest challenge!

  5. I have been so thankful that my husband never wandered at night. That woulod have been the killer for me. He always stayed in bed at night. Now, he can't walk so wandering is no longer a problem.
    There are many things for which to be thankful.

    my e- mail :


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