
Showing posts from 2012

Christmas 2012

Time to let go of the power - Faith and Values Column, 11/24/12

One of My Favorite Responses to Saturday's Column

Thank you to the 1000th visitor to my blog, 10/31/12 - woo hoo!

A Christian View of Same-Sex Marriage: Weeks 1&2: with references and study questions

Same-Sex Marriage, Part 1: Faith and Values column 10/20/12 (with references!)

A gift for you...

File this under "life"...

Confessions of a Bad Christian - Faith and Values column for Richmond Times Dispatch 4/21/12

Is April the cruelest month?

a day in the life...

Food for thought...

Abortion part 2 - column for the Times Dispatch

Abortion - part 1: column for the Richmond Times Dispatch, 2/11/12

Am I crazy? Yes. Yes I am.

Using quality of life judgments to limit care

One of my favorite responses to a column: 11x14 paper, laminated!!

The meaning of life